Eat healthier. By having produce delivered to your home and readily available, your ability to feed your body its recommended 7-9 daily servings of fruits and vegetables becomes much easier.
Receive maximum nutrition from you food. We all know that farm to table is the best way to receive the maximum nutritional value from our food. We keep that gap tight and selection as local as possible for every item that goes in your weekly selection. We usually have it to you within just days of being harvested.
Enjoy a variety of local flavors. As the seasons turn so does our selection throughout the year. We are lucky to live in a great agriculture area and have the benefits of many varieties of produce. It's the unusual produce that get many customers excited each week when they receive their produce box! Variety is the spice of life we agree, but we also keep the basics in mind and the kids mouths to need to feed!
Save money, time and effort. How many hours do you spend a week looking for perfect, local, seasonal organic produce? Can you even find it? Well, it's our business! We find the best values for the produce every week and pass that value on to you. We save you time and effort every week with your grocery shopping efforts.
Have flexibility. You choose the frequency that fits you best: weekly, every other week, every 3rd or 4th week delivery – or choose a random schedule. Our website is an easy tool to change your schedule, change a credit card number or send a gift.
Give back to the community. When you buy your organic fruit and vegetables with Off the Vine Produce, you are supporting local organic farmers and your local economy every single week. We utilize local businesses for every area of our business from the produce we select to the products we use in our office.
Convenience and reliability. With OTV, you are able to routinely stock your fridge with the best local organic produce with a simple phone call or email. We have been in business for 7 years and plan on being here for many years to come delivering the best produce in town!
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