February 24, 2012
OTV'S virtual farmers market
We bring the Farmers Market to you!
Come join us each FRIDAY in our virtual farmers market! We offer all the goodness you need to feed your family healthy, organic, fresh foods! Truly, who has time these days to spend Saturdays searching for food? Even if we had options for a Saturday market - many of us have kids in sports, beach activities, visitors in town or simply want to spend your valuable days off with family and friends! That's why with Off the Vine - we bring the Farmers Market to you! Simply check our list every FRIDAY by noon and order for your week ahead - at your convenience - over the weekend.
It's the best selection of organic food around - the best values and it's easy to shop with us!
Plus, we guarantee everything 100%! You simply can't go wrong!
Enjoy your weekends and eat fresh at home with farm fresh certified organic vegetables & fruits, local honey, organic eggs, raw and organic nuts & seeds, nut butters plus the best local source for sustainable, grass feed and organically raised chicken, beef, pork and lamb.
February 8, 2012
Organic & Raw!
What do our bodies need to eat raw?
What are the building blocks that our bodies need to function?
Enzymes, vitamins, minerals, phytonutrients, protein, essential fats and fiber.
These are all provided by our food and are involved in growth, repair and maintenance of the body. Let’s take a quick look at each of these and what they do for you.
Enzymes Enzymes convert the food we eat into chemical structures that can pass though the membranes of the cells lining the digestive tract and into the blood stream. Their job doesn’t end there. Enzymes are the living proteins that direct the life force into our biochemical and metabolic processes. They help transform and store energy, make active hormones, dissolve fiber and prevent clotting. They have anti-inflammatory effects. Enzymes help balance and restore the immune system, and heal many diseases. Enzymes even help repair our DNA and our RNA. When we cook food, we destroy many of the enzymes that help us naturally digest it.
Vitamins Without vitamins our cells would not function properly and thus our organs would suffer and eventually we would no longer be able to survive. Vitamins help regulate metabolism, help convert fat and carbohydrates intoenergy, and assist in forming bone and tissue. Guess what happens when you cook food? You got it, a large percentage of the vitamins are destroyed.
Viktoras Kulvinskas in his book, Survival into the 21st Century, estimates that the overall nutrient destruction is as high as 80%. Tests have shown that we will lose 50% of the B vitamins while B1 and B12 can lose up to 96%. 97% of folic acid is destroyed as well as 70-80 % of vitamin C.
Minerals Seventeen of the thirty elements known to be essential to life are metals. Mineral deficiencies cause disease in humans. Minerals also have a synergistic relationship with vitamins. They help each other help us. When foods are cooked, many of the minerals are destroyed, or altered, rendering them useless and also unable to assist our friends the vitamins.
Phytonutrients Phytonutrients are what give fruits and vegetables their color. Phytos protect the body and fight disease. They also fight cancer and help your heart. Phytonutrient are at leading edge of research on nutrition. They provide medicine for cell health. And once again, Phytonutrients in freshly harvested plant foods can be destroyed or removed by cooking.
10 years of Organic produce
to your doorstep!
Since July of 2002, Off the Vine has supported local organic farmers each and every week by delivering their fresh organic produce to our healthy eating customers! We fill our organic produce shares every week with the best quality organic produce and always seasonal values. We keep it simple with no upfront costs or long term commitments, just simply order fresh organic produce according to your needs! We love to bring you the fresh local harvest of juicy peaches, crisp apples, tender squash, ripe tomatoes, sweet corn and sugar baby watermelons from our great US and Southern states! With Off the Vine Produce Organic Share program, you may choose either a Home Delivery or a convenient Partner Pick up location in your city.
Come celebrate 10 years of healthy eating with us!
Register to win! One lucky person or family will win a year of free organic produce - that's farm fresh Organic fruits and vegetables fora full year! We are so excited to share our Birthday with you! Sign up beween Jan 1 - July 21, 2002 and join us this Summer when we'll announce a winner at our
Off the Vine 10th Birthday Bash on July 21st!
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